What is an expert?

According to my friendly artificial intelligence, this is what an expert is: An expert is defined as an individual who possesses extensive knowledge, skills, and experience in a specific field or subject matter. They have a deep understanding and mastery of the subject, allowing them to provide valuable insights, guidance, and solutions. Experts often demonstrate...

Changing Perceptions

I have always said that I wished I was the same age as the young people of today. I say this not because of any fear of my rapidly advancing years. I say it because, if you listen to today’s youth, they think they know everything, whilst I recognise that there is so much more...

Yes change is frightening…

When ever change happens in our lives it is challenging and frightening. It is often thought to be better to wrap yourself up in the familiar rather than setting off in a new direction. This becomes even more the case as people get older. One of the reasons for this is that change may involve...

Who will educate the parents?

Over recent weeks I have had some interesting discussions with parents regarding their children’s education. One such discussion started when I was shown a child’s report of someone that I knew was very bright. The report bore this out, but the parent was concerned that the teacher’s comment from the previous year said, ‘exceeded expectations’...

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