Entrepreneurship and Climate Change

Only a few days ago I heard that the British Government was planning on banning plastic straws and cotton buds. While this may sound a positive step towards helping to save the planet, I am not sure that it will make an enormous dent in the plastic mountain that the world has created. Even worse,...

Joining the dots ……..

As the world moves faster and faster, the comment that one cannot join the dots going forward becomes more and more true. So often we can look back and see how we got to a certain place, but at the time the points along the route did not appear to be anything other than rest...

Innovations to deal with innovations

Those that follow me regularly will know that I am not a fan of the ‘selfie’. I find it frankly frightening that millenials are likely to take 25,000 selfies in the course of their lifetime! Assuming that it takes them only two minutes of their lives getting their phone out, turning the camera on, getting...

Entrepreneurial learning from government mistakes!

I have often commented that government has a lot to learn from entrepreneurs, and that a more entrepreneurial approach to government is essential in today’s world. But the behaviour of politicians of all sides in the Brexit negotiations, or lack of them, has provided a number of lessons for entrepreneurs. Unfortunately these lessons are very...

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