Are entrepreneurs born or unmade!

When one gets to talk to adults of a certain age, discussion invariably turns to their children. In the early stages these discussions mainly feature the excellent attainments of their offspring. This could be socially, sporting, academically or otherwise, but it will always be portrayed in a positive light. However, as relationships develop, conversations will...

If online is the answer, what is the question?

There is no doubt that during the pandemic the one area of business that has developed has been ‘online’. Indeed, some would argue that the pandemic has accelerated the growth of online businesses far faster than would otherwise have been the case. Certainly, the takeaway food businesses have flourished, as have supermarket delivery services. But...

When will pushy parents learn?

Over the years that I have been writing these blogs and giving lectures, one would have hoped to see a steady dawning realisation by the parents of the western world that there was a need for a different approach in our fast changing world. I had hoped that parents would have recognised that many of...

Parents need to take back control

When there were only video recorders it was a bit of a joke when people reckoned that only the young could set them up to record. The joke continued when products like Sky-Plus appeared. But the signs of what was to come were already there as children found their way to pornography sites and shopping...

The future is around the corner

I have mentioned various examples of technological advances in previous blogs and have discussed how the speed of change is accelerating to a point where we cannot really envisage what the world will look like in as little as five years. Most of my knowledge has come from research, and it is easy to believe...

The paradox of fear!

Whether you discuss at the personal level, at the business level or at governmental level, most people will espouse the value of a creative, innovative and entrepreneurial culture. Therefore, it is amazing how many individuals; businesses and governments avoid actually taking actions that would encourage such a culture in their own lives or organisations. One...

Why do we favour male entrepreneurs?

Recently I saw an announcement of business awards for women who have started and run businesses while also bringing up young children. My first reaction was how patronising to regard working women in any form as an oddity. However, regardless of the merits of the awards, I started looking at some of the entries into...

Failure is an option!

I have long been an advocate for the principle of failure being a natural part of discovery and I have often spoken in universities on the topic of Failure as an Option. I even advocate starting a failure log so as to identify lessons from failures and I constantly remind people that the only failure...

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